A luxurious home with expansive living and private zones for families.

Suitable for 14m+ blocks, the grand Durack 36 floor plan presents 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This double-storey house design is crafted for luxury, with spacious living areas for multi-generational families. It combines sophisticated elegance with practical features, ensuring every family member enjoys both communal gatherings and personal retreats within a modern and elegant setting.
Simonds Homes
Lot 720 Flourish Estate, South Maclean QLD 4280 Available
Bed  5 Bath  3 Car  2
Land size: 448m²
Floor Area: 36.16sq
Price: $909,999

Floor-plan for Lot 720: by Simonds Homes

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Lot 720 Flourish Estate by Simonds Homes
Flourish Estate, South Maclean QLD 4280
House & Land: 5 Bed | 3 Bath | 2 Car @ $909,999