Windermere Estate - Mambourin

275 Greens Road, Mambourin VIC 3024

  • Imagine life in a new, smarter community designed to enrich every part of your being, where an inspired learning experience will enrich minds, young and old.
  • Offering residents the future choice of three government schools and one private school, as well as tertiary opportunities with the Werribee-based campuses of Deakin and Victoria Universities, Windermere will stand out as a well-educated community.
  • With approximately 50 hectares of sports ovals, parklands, and recreation areas, plus a wetlands and creek corridor, this connected community is focused on wellbeing that will rejuvenate the soul.
  • The Windermere community is destined to set a new standard for premium masterplanned living, located in Melbourne’s newest residential suburb – Mambourin.
  • Windermere’s village hub, with space for a supermarket and a boutique range of speciality and convenience shopping, will provide for residents’ needs and wants, while a planned community centre will bring locals of all ages together to connect in an inviting environment.
  • The nearby Wyndham Vale train station means that Windermere is directly connected to the Melbourne CBD, and its business, shopping and entertainment offerings.
Total new homes4,800
Area size363.00 hectares
Growth RegionMelbourne West Growth Corridor
City councilWyndham City Council
Developer Risland Australia
Project marketer Oliver Hume Real Estate Group
Creative agency Traffic Brand Agency, Nimbl
Other namesThe Elysian Collection
Distance to Melbourne Airport - 33 km south-west Melbourne CBD - 34 km west

Land for Sale, House and Land Packages:

23 Display Homes in Windermere Estate - Mambourin

Windermere Estate - Mambourin's display village tour with 23 display homes

Updates for Windermere Estate - Mambourin

Location & Map for Windermere Estate - Mambourin


Land Price Trend in Mambourin VIC 3024

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Mambourin VIC 3024 was $340,000. *
  • From Jan - Mar 20 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Mambourin VIC 3024 has increased 14.29%. *
  • From 2020 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Mambourin VIC 3024 has increased 17.29%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Mambourin VIC 3024

View full vacancy rate history in Mambourin VIC 3024 via SQM Research(link is external).

Schools near Windermere Estate - Mambourin

Here are 6 schools near Windermere Estate - Mambourin:

Suburb Planning Review in Mambourin VIC 3024

Mambourin is approximately 248 square kilometres located within the City of Wyndham forming part of the Victorian west growth corridor area, located 38 kilometres south-west of Melbourne, 45 kilometres from Geelong. The suburb is a result of two large master planned community projects in the area, in proximity to the existing Regional Rail Link between Werribee and Wyndham Vale. The existing suburb was originally primarily grazing land holdings and the residents relied on adjoining urban residential suburbs for services and retail convenience.

Mambourin - Suburb Location
Mambourin - Suburb Location


The suburb is bounded by Argoona Road and Greens Road in the north, Edgers Road to the west, Bulvan Road to the south and property boundaries to the east. The suburb is bare, with pockets of trees found near dry dams, a handful of dwellings and sheds. Dry river beds traverse the site and an existing quarry is positioned in the western portion of the site.

The only portion of the site that will be considered for the new urban redevelopment, is the area in the north-east corner (marked in red). A future Precinct has also been prepared for the south of Black Forest Road.

The Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) was prepared by Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) in consultation with the Wyndham City Council and approved by the Minister for Planning. The PSP was officially gazetted on 11 February 2016 under Amendment C170 of the Wyndham Planning Scheme. The PSP covers only the north-east portion of the site, with the balance land subject to future Precinct Structure Plans.

Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Future Urban Structure
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Future Urban Structure


The Vision of Mambourin 

“Black Forest Road North will be a community where a distinct urban form, characterised by a strong grid of high quality streets, is complemented by an extensive and innovative park network focused on the main east-west waterway and key north-south streets. It will also contain attractive and integrated town centres and significant educational and community facilities. 

A town centre integrated with a railway station precinct, together with extensive parkland along an existing ephemeral waterway, will provide the principal character elements. The town centre will be an active and vibrant place providing services, facilities and local amenity to the surrounding residential catchment. Due to the centre’s proximity to the railway station, bus routes and the potential future population beyond the boundaries of the PSP area, the town centre will have scope for additional growth in the longer term. 

The open space network has been created through a grid of formal and informal green spaces. Meandering west to east across the precinct, the waterway corridor provides a naturally landscaped link between schools and formal open spaces. Traversing these corridors and running northsouth are two linear parks. These unique green spines extend the width of the precinct and will provide a range of recreation opportunities through footpaths, cycling tracks, play equipment, picnic areas and informal sports infrastructure. Additional pocket parks will be scattered throughout the precinct to complete an accessible open space structure”.


Transportation in Mambourin 

An Outer Metropolitan Ring Transit Corridor has been proposed along the western boundary of the Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan and a Future Railway Station and Line along the eastern boundary. A 500m development setback has also been applied to the gas transmission line that traverses the site.

Mambourin will be well connected to public passenger transport, with a future train station to be located just outside the suburb boundary and the passenger train service connects to Melbourne, via the Sunshine Station transport node connection.

The suburb will include a network of shared paths linking the local parks and a new road network.

Greens Road and Bulban Road provide access to the Princes Freeway, providing a direct connection to Melbourne CBD or Geelong in south-west Victoria.

Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Major Infrastructure
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Major Infrastructure


Local Town Centre of Mambourin 

The Black Forest Road North PSP required an urban design framework plan to be prepared to guide the development of the large local town centre to the satisfaction of the Council and Victorian Planning Authority and Public Transport Victoria due to the new train station. The proposed layout was provided to the public for comment as well as a 1-10+ year staging of how the town centre will transform, taking in key considerations of high density residential, retail, civic and interim uses until fully developed.

Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Large Town Centre
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Large Town Centre


Benefits of Mambourin 

The PSP also supports new schools, higher density of residential development, retail, and office, in a mixed use town centre with employment opportunities. The new residential community will enhance and protect the existing natural features, parks, and sports and recreation areas. The existing zoning will be amended to provide for Rural Conservation and Urban Growth Zones, providing a series of greenfield sites in proximity to natural water corridors and reserves.

Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Open Space and Community
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Open Space and Community
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Full Suburb Land Use
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – Full Suburb Land Use
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – New Suburb Area
Black Forest Road North Precinct Structure Plan – New Suburb Area


Windermere Residential Community 

Country Garden Australia has begun to establish a large residential community within the growth suburb of Mambourin, in accordance with the Black Forest Road North Precinct PSP. The new master planned community is named ‘Windermere’ and provides a variety of residential allotments, types of dwellings, schools, parks and a local road network. The redevelopment has protected and rejuvenated the creek corridor to support the provision of amenities and facilities for the residential dwellings intended for the redevelopment of the Urban Growth Zone.

Windermere Master planned Community (source Windermere )
Windermere Master planned Community (source: Windermere )


Mambourin Residential Community 

Property developer Frasers Property has begun to establish a large residential community over the Mambourin suburb, in accordance with the Black Forest Road North Precinct PSP. The new master planned community is named after the suburb ‘Mambourin’ and provides the town centre, school, shopping centre, parkland and a mixed use centre in proximity to the potential new train station.

Mambourin Master planned Community (source Frasers Property)
Mambourin Master planned Community (source Frasers Property)


Mambourin Suburb Summary


Mambourin, City of Wyndham

City / State

Melbourne, Victoria

Suburb Area

248 sqm kilometres 


  • North – Argoona Road and Greens Road 
  • West – Edgers Road 
  • South - Bulvan Road 
  • East - property boundaries 

Black Forest Road North PSP Inclusions

Suburb Inclusions

Key features of Mambourin will include:

  • 8 hectare Private School with classes from Prep to Year 12
  • 5 hectare Community Centre including a kindergarten, Maternal & Child Health Centre, Library and Performing Arts Centre
  • 3 hectare Major Town Centre
  • 12 hectare Local Business District to include future residential, commercial and employment land uses
  • Future Train Station
  • Resident’s Leisure Centre

Key features of Windermere will include:

  • The community will feature over 4700 blocks
  • 14,500 people are expected to call the community home
  • 50ha of Windermere would be devoted to open space
  • more than 5000 trees and 400,000 native shrubs and grasses to be planted.
  • Wetlands will be created
  • shared cycling and walking paths along key routes will link the major neighbourhood parks and active open spaces.
  • two government primary schools
  • one government secondary school
  • one private secondary school.


Community Amenity

General residential areas, proximity to local parks and schools 

Access to sporting fields, local parks and waterway corridor


South-East Melbourne, 38 km from Melbourne CBD and 45 km to Geelong


  • Mambourin Schools
  • 3x Government Schools
  • 2x Non-government School

Residential development

Detached houses and medium-high density dwellings (new train station)

Employment Areas

  • Local town Centre
  • New School and sporting clubs
  • Adjoining local centres


  • Local road network 
  • Outer Metropolitan Ring Transit Corridor 
  • New Train Station and line
  • Sporting clubs and infrastructure


  • Pedestrian and cycling links
  • Local road network 
  • Train station 

Recreation Areas 

  • 8x Local parks
  • 3x District Sports Grounds
  • Large Recreation reserve


  • Waterway corridor
  • Lake/wetlands

Settlement Pattern

Angles grid pattern - Green Field



Reviews & Comments on Windermere Estate - Mambourin

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FAQs about Windermere Estate - Mambourin

Who is the developer behind Windermere Estate - Mambourin?
Risland Australia is the developer behind Windermere Estate - Mambourin.
View all estates from Risland Australia
How many homes does Windermere Estate - Mambourin consist of?
There will be 4,800 new homes in Windermere Estate - Mambourin.
What’s the total area size for Windermere Estate - Mambourin?
Windermere Estate - Mambourin has 363.00 hectares total area size.
Which city council does Windermere Estate - Mambourin fall under?
Wyndham City Council is the local government area for Windermere Estate - Mambourin.
Who is the project marketer for Windermere Estate - Mambourin?
Oliver Hume Real Estate Group is the project marketer for Windermere Estate - Mambourin.
View all estates marketed by Oliver Hume Real Estate Group
Which schools near Windermere Estate - Mambourin?
Below are the nearby schools for Windermere Estate - Mambourin:
  • Manor Lakes P-12 College - 1.9km north-east
  • Our Lady of the Southern Cross - 2.0km north-east
  • Wyndham Vale Primary School - 2.2km south-east
  • Ngarri Primary School - 2.3km north
  • St Joseph's Catholic Primary School - 2.7km south-east
  • Lollypop Creek Primary School - 3.3km south-east
Windermere Estate - Mambourin