Merrifield - Mickleham Logo

Merrifield - Mickleham 10 AVAILABLE

Rosehill Boulevard, Mickleham VIC 3064


[NEW RELEASE] Land now selling from $312,000 with $30K rebate at settlement!

  • For a limited time, purchase an eligible titled or soon-to-title lot and you could benefit from:
    • Just $10,000 deposit required on select blocks, and
    • Receive a $30,000 rebate at settlement!
  • Parkfront Townhomes now selling! There’s never been a more exciting time to move right into this vibrant community with the release of 13 stunning parkfront Merrifield Townhomes. Enquire today!
  • Victoria’s largest masterplanned mixed-use community.
  • Secure land for your dream home with only a 5% deposit and also benefit from:
    - Free front landscaping to every lot in Merrifield, valued up to $10k
    - First home buyers may also be eligible for the $10k Victorian First Home Owner Grant
  • Merrifield City with Coles, Liquorland, Chemist Warehouse, cafe/dining options, dentist, doctor and many specialty stores!
  • 6 signalised intersections already here for a smoother commute. Easy access to Hume Freeway and only 40 minutes drive to Melbourne CBD.
  • Merrifield Business Park offers employment options close to home at leading companies like Dulux, Ford and D’Orsogna.
  • Generous referral and repeat purchaser bonuses offered. Receive FREE front landscaping valued up to $10,000!
  • 6 parks already established and a massive 9.5 hectare Merrifield Recreation Reserve with an off leash dog park, with 3 more local parks coming.
  • Kool Kidz childcare and kindergarten, Gaayip-Yagila Primary School, Holy Cross Primary School and Mickleham Secondary College now open!
  • Merrifield Display Village now open!
  • A series of programs, events and initiatives to support and nurture our residents from the day they move in.
Total new homes8,500
Area size900.00 hectares
Growth RegionMelbourne North Growth Corridor
City councilHume City Council
Developer MAB, Gibson Property Corporation
Project marketer Oliver Hume Real Estate Group
Other namesAitken Grove

Land for Sale, House and Land Packages, Townhomes:

7 Land Lots in Merrifield - Mickleham

Vacant Land Merrifield - Mickleham - Lot 5419
Stage 54 - Lot 5419 Available
Land size

Orientation: North
Price: $466,000
Vacant Land Merrifield - Mickleham - Lot 4345
Stage 43 - Lot 4345 Available
Land size

Orientation: South
Price: $539,000
Vacant Land Merrifield - Mickleham - Lot 5425
Stage 54 - Lot 5425 Available
Land size

Orientation: South
Price: $398,000
Vacant Land Merrifield - Mickleham - Lot 601
Stage 6 - Lot 601 Available
Land size

Orientation: West
Price: $461,000
Vacant Land Merrifield - Mickleham - Lot 332
Stage 3 - Lot 332 Available
Land size

Orientation: East
Price: $378,000

5 House and Land Packages in Merrifield - Mickleham


29 Display Homes in Merrifield - Mickleham

Merrifield - Mickleham's display village tour with 29 display homes

Updates for Merrifield - Mickleham

Location & Map for Merrifield - Mickleham


Land Price Trend in Mickleham VIC 3064

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Mickleham VIC 3064 was $356,300. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Mickleham VIC 3064 has increased 38.91%. *
  • From 2010 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Mickleham VIC 3064 has increased 151.35%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Mickleham VIC 3064

View full vacancy rate history in Mickleham VIC 3064 via SQM Research(link is external).

Schools near Merrifield - Mickleham

Here are 6 schools near Merrifield - Mickleham:

Suburb Planning Review in Mickleham VIC 3064

Mickleham is approximately 54.7 square kilometres within the City of Hume, a semi-rural location to the north of Melbourne’s outer suburbs of the Urban Growth Boundary and logical expansion of the former Mickleham township. The suburb is located 29 kilometres north of Melbourne CBD. Mickleham enjoys a strategic location to the west of the Hume Highway.

Mickleham, QLD - Suburb Aerial
Mickleham, QLD - Suburb Aerial


The suburb boundary is located along property boundaries, Gunnes Gully Road and an unnamed dry creek corridor to the North. Deep Creek and Mt Ridley Road make up the western boundary. Mickleham Road, Mt Ridley Road, Craigieburn Road and Whites Lane provide the southern boundary, with property boundaries and Hume Highway providing the eastern boundary. 

Mickleham Road and Old Sydney Road provide local road access (north to south), along with Bardwell Drive and Donnybrook Road provide local road access (East to West), which connect the local road network found throughout Mickleham linking to the Hume Highway interchange found to the eastern boundary of the township. An additional southbound off-ramp is found in the south-east suburb corner.  The interchanges allow direct access for anyone travelling through the region.  

The suburb of Mickleham provides a range of residential property sizes, mix of land uses and a large portion of rural land. Mount Ridley and a large Natural Conservation Reserve are located to the south-east, with a waterway corridor to the west and a series of lakes found scattered throughout the suburb. Mickleham slowly redeveloping, with local retail centres, supermarkets, services, schools and recreational areas being included to support the growth.

Mickleham, QLD – Local Government Areas
Mickleham, QLD – Local Government Areas


Melbourne 2030 (2008 Update) - Victorian Government

In 2002 the Victorian Government's blueprint for managing long-term growth in the surrounding region. The 2008 release of updated population projections in "Victoria in Future 2008" prompts a revaluation of development strategies, ensuring Melbourne remains adaptable. Acknowledging an inevitable population surge, "Melbourne @ 5 million" emphasises readiness and focuses on job creation and service provision in key areas.


The update prioritises preserving liveability and enhancing quality of life. It targets growth towards Melbourne's north and west while exploring expansion possibilities. Moreover, it encourages collaboration with councils to identify suitable redevelopment sites, underscoring the importance of community support for Melbourne's evolution as a top-tier city.


Key Facts:

  • Melbourne 2030 (2002): Established the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to manage expansion 

  • UGB Purpose: Directs growth to areas with infrastructure while protecting land and environment.

  • 2010 UGB Review: Accommodated 600,000 new dwellings, primarily in north and west

  • Environmental Assessment: rigorous studies and Commonwealth approval to protect natural features.

  • Funding Infrastructure: Introduction of Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) and improved Development Contribution Plans (DCP).

  • 2012 Expansion: Added 6,000 hectares to UGB based on recommendations


Outer Melbourne Northern Suburbs Upgrade

Infrastructure Australia in 2016 identified the need to improve urban transport networks between Melbourne's Outer Northern Suburbs and the CBD, marking it as crucial within a medium-term timeframe of 5-10 years. The proposal aims to address pressing transportation challenges due to rapid growth in the Northern Growth Corridor. With projections indicating significant population and employment increases by 2031, existing road and rail infrastructure faces strain, leading to anticipated congestion and delays along the Hume Freeway and the Seymour Line.

Recognising the urgency, the Victorian and Australian Governments are collaborating on a comprehensive strategy integrating road and rail network planning. Through various projects and proposed reforms outlined in Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021-2051, efforts are underway to alleviate congestion and enhance transportation services in the corridor. Emphasising the need to explore diverse options, including infrastructure upgrades and reforms, this proposal seeks to meet the transportation needs of Melbourne's outer northern suburbs' growing population and employment hub.

Infrastructure Issue - North Melbourne
Infrastructure Issue - North Melbourne


Growth Corridor Plans
The Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) complement the broader land use framework outlined in the Growth Corridor Plans. PSPs are detailed planning documents that guide development within specific precincts, ensuring they align with the overarching goals of the Growth Corridor Plans. Developed through a consultative process involving stakeholders, PSPs provide a strategic blueprint for neighbourhood development.

In 2012, the Growth Areas Authority (GAA) in collaboration with local councils, PSPs define the pattern for neighbourhood growth, ensuring cohesion and sustainability over time. They play a crucial role in creating attractive, convenient, and sustainable local communities within the broader growth framework.

Melbourne's Growth Plans - North Mickleham
Melbourne's Growth Plans - North Mickleham


Northern Growth Corridor Plan (Mickleham)
Melbourne's north undergoes significant transformation, driven by a diverse socio-economic landscape and a burgeoning economy, supported by key infrastructure like Melbourne Airport and major transport arteries. The Northern Growth Corridor Plan aims to accommodate 260,000 residents and generate 83,000 jobs, focusing on advanced manufacturing, logistics, and the knowledge economy. The plan prioritizes preserving natural features, improving public transport, and developing new town centres to sustainably support the area's growth, alongside initiatives to provide diverse housing options for evolving community needs.
North Growth Corridor Plan - Mickleham
North Growth Corridor Plan - Mickleham


Precinct Structure Plans of Mickleham 

The Growth Areas Authority, in collaboration with the Hume City Council, government agencies, service authorities, and key stakeholders, has developed the Precinct Structure Plans (PSP) for Mickleham. These plans are crafted to steer the redevelopment of designated land, creating interconnected neighbourhoods supported by diverse local town centres, schools, and community facilities. Additionally, measures to safeguard natural assets and conservation areas are incorporated to preserve habitats within the planned suburb.


PSP Relevant to Mickleham:

  • Craigieburn West PSP (September 2021) - updated August 2022

  • Craigieburn PSP (September 2010) – updated September 2021

  • Merrifield North (August 2024)

  • Merrifield West (2012) – New in January 2024

  • Lindum Vale (2018) – July 2019

Precinct Structure Plan


Precinct Structure Plan:

  • Acts as a roadmap for creating a high-quality urban environment

  • Establishes a vision for land development, outlining future urban structure and development objectives

  • Identifies necessary projects to ensure timely access to services and transport infrastructure for residents, visitors, and workers

  • Specifies the form and conditions for future land use and development

  • Sets the framework for development controls in the Urban Growth Zone

  • Guides planning permits within the zone

  • Offers direction for developers, investors, and local communities regarding future development

  • Complies with the requirements of the EPBC Act 1999

Merrifield West - Precinct Structure Plan
Merrifield West - Precinct Structure Plan


Craigieburn - Precinct Structure Plan
Craigieburn - Precinct Structure Plan


Lindum Vale - Precinct Structure Plan
Lindum Vale - Precinct Structure Plan


Craigieburn West - Precinct Structure Plan
Craigieburn West - Precinct Structure Plan


Hume Regional Growth Plan
The Hume Regional Growth Plan was published in 2014 to offer a comprehensive approach to land use planning across the Council area. Accompanied by a background paper detailing considerations, the plan outlines strategies to foster growth and facilitate change over the next three decades. Building upon the Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 2010–2020, it aspires to realise a shared vision for the Hume Region. The plan outlines future development locations, preservation strategies for environmental and heritage assets, and regional infrastructure priorities to support growth.

The Hume Region will be resilient, diverse and thriving. It will capitalise on the strengths and competitive advantages of the four sub-regions, to harness growth for the benefit of the region and to develop liveable and sustainable communities.


Hume Council Planning Scheme (2024)

The council is responsible for ensuring adequate housing, facilities, infrastructure, and services for new residents and businesses. The city of Hume is experiencing rapid growth and to address this, the Council has continuously updated its planning scheme. The population will grow by more than 50% from just under 245,000 in 2021 to nearly 395,000 by 2041. When all current growth area land is developed the population will be around 420,000. Revisions to the plan may occur based on feedback and changes in circumstances, or new planning information.


New development has occurred in the growth areas, supported by the zoning applied by the Hume Planning Scheme and the precinct structure plans. The new urban areas are supported by new schools, parks, sporting grounds, local centres and transport infrastructure.


Mickleham Zoning – Planning Mapping
Mickleham Zoning – Planning Mapping


Mickleham Suburb Summary



City / State

Hume City Council

Suburb Area

54.7 square kilometres 


  • East – Property boundaries and Hume Highway 

  • West – Deep Creek and Mt Ridley Road

  • North – Property boundaries, Gunnes Gully Road and dry creek corridor

  • South – Mickleham Road, Mt Ridley Road, Craigieburn Road and Whites Lane

Mickleham Area

Suburb inclusions

  • Village communities, low-density residential areas

  • Local parks, sports community complexes and reserves

  • Schools, local centres with Supermarket


Mickleham, 29 kilometres north of Melbourne


  • Darul Ulum Academy (Victoria)

  • Gaayip-Yagila Primary School

  • Kolbe Catholic College - Mickleham Campus 

  • Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

  • Hume Anglican Grammar

  • Mickleham Primary School

  • Mickleham Secondary College

  • Yubup Primary School

Types of Residential

  • Stand-alone low-density dwellings

  • Townhouses and multiple dwellings

Employment Areas

  • Surrounding suburbs

  • Local businesses

  • Supermarkets

  • Retail

  • Transport

  • Schools

  • Local centres

  • Industrial area

Transportation Infrastructure

  • Roads and bus networks

  • Pedestrian/cycle pathways

Recreation Areas 

  • Pinnacle Park

  • Mickleham Recreation Reserve

  • Pistacia Way Park

  • Botwood Street Reserve

  • Mount Ridley Natural Conservation Reserve

  • Summit Park

  • Ace Reserve Playground

  • Salcey Way Playground


  • Mount Ridley Natural Conservation Reserve

  • Grassland Reserve

  • Deep Creek 

Settlement Pattern

  • Informal grid patterns, with urban grid formation


Hume Council – PSP Locations Map(link is external)
Melbourne 2030: A Planning Update(link is external)
Melbourne Urban Growth boundary(link is external)
Growth Corridor Plan – Managing Melbourne’s Growth(link is external)
The North Growth Corridor Plan(link is external)
Melbourne outer northern suburbs to CBD capacity upgrade (link is external)
Hume-Regional-Growth-Plan-May-2014(link is external)
Craigieburn West Precinct Structure Plan - VPA(link is external)
Craigieburn R2 Precinct Structure Plan - VPA(link is external)
Merrifield North Precinct Structure Plan - VPA(link is external)
Merrifield West Precinct Structure Plan - VPA(link is external)
Lindum Vale Precinct Structure Plan - VPA(link is external)


Reviews & Comments on Merrifield - Mickleham

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Estate Brochure, Masterplan, Engineering Plan, Plan of Subdivision (POS), Design Guidelines

FAQs about Merrifield - Mickleham

Who is the developer behind Merrifield - Mickleham?
MAB and Gibson Property Corporation are the developers behind Merrifield - Mickleham.
View all estates from MAB
View all estates from Gibson Property Corporation
How many homes does Merrifield - Mickleham consist of?
There will be 8,500 new homes in Merrifield - Mickleham.
What’s the total area size for Merrifield - Mickleham?
Merrifield - Mickleham has 900.00 hectares total area size.
Which city council does Merrifield - Mickleham fall under?
Hume City Council is the local government area for Merrifield - Mickleham.
Who is the project marketer for Merrifield - Mickleham?
Oliver Hume Real Estate Group is the project marketer for Merrifield - Mickleham.
View all estates marketed by Oliver Hume Real Estate Group
Which schools near Merrifield - Mickleham?
Below are the nearby schools for Merrifield - Mickleham:
  • Holy Cross Catholic Primary School - 243m north-east
  • Mickleham Secondary College - 480m north
  • Gaayip-Yagila Primary School - 552m north-east
  • Mickleham Primary School - 4.2km south-west
  • Newbury Primary School - 4.4km south
  • Hume Anglican Grammar - 4.8km south-east
Merrifield - Mickleham