Sales Training

Read the latest sales training articles published by

Unique Selling Proposition - Industry Training Module 1


Unique Selling Proposition - Industry Training Module 1

Four key areas of focus: finding value, unique property aspects, customer's background, and brand identity.

Extracting Value and Building Trust - Industry Training Module 1


Extracting Value and Building Trust - Industry Training Module 1

Value extraction in competitive markets requires out-questioning, out-listening, and out-advising the competition, st...

Leading with Questions - Industry Training Module 1


Leading with Questions - Industry Training Module 1

The technique of reflective questioning, involving asking follow-up questions about the initial answers.

11 Questions that Extract Value - Industry Training Module 1


11 Questions that Extract Value - Industry Training Module 1

Obtaining the most affordable option with Daniel Spencer.

Working with the Client - Industry Training Module 1


Working with the Client - Industry Training Module 1

Insights about effective client interaction and sales strategies.

Customer Sentiment - Industry Training Module 1


Customer Sentiment - Industry Training Module 1

Daniel offered insights into property purchasing strategies, advocating for decision-making based on individual circu...

Construction - Industry Training Module 1


Construction - Industry Training Module 1

Unlocking Construction Insights: Navigate Labor Volatility, Pricing Transparency, and Builder Partnerships with Danie...

Future Finances - Industry Training Module 1


Future Finances - Industry Training Module 1

Insights into navigating future financial decisions, especially regarding mortgages and property purchases.

Buying Someone Else's vs Yours - Industry Training Module 1


Buying Someone Else's vs Yours - Industry Training Module 1

The proactive and strategic role of addressing objections upfront in real estate interactions, allows sellers to iden...

The Investor Conversation - Industry Training Module 1


The Investor Conversation - Industry Training Module 1

At OpenLot's recent Industry Training Event, real estate expert Daniel Spencer shed light on the growing challenges w...

Renting Vs Owning First Home Buyers - Industry Training Module 1


Renting Vs Owning First Home Buyers - Industry Training Module 1

Daniel Spencer shares valuable insights on the decision-making process for first-time home buyers...

Waiting For The Market To Drop - Industry Training Module 1


Waiting For The Market To Drop - Industry Training Module 1

Renowned real estate expert Daniel Spencer recently shared valuable insights on the current state of the Australian p...

Rising Interest Rates - Industry Training Module 1


Rising Interest Rates - Industry Training Module 1

Daniel Spencer recently addressed concerns about rising interest rates at OpenLot's Industry Training Night. Spencer ...

Confronting Objections Upfront - Industry Training Module 1


Confronting Objections Upfront - Industry Training Module 1

Real estate and training specialist Daniel Spencer emphasises the importance of addressing objections head-on in the ...