Lot 14: Amelia 21 @ Springleigh Estate - Kilmore

Make your dreams a reality. Fresh country air, large block, open plan living filled with amazing inclusions and it's a 7-star rating home.
Lot 14: Amelia 21 Available
Bed  4 Bath  2 Car  2
Builder: Thorsen
Land size: 537m²
Price: $624,990

Development Info of Springleigh Estate - Kilmore

Total new homes18
Area size1.66 hectares
Growth RegionMelbourne North Growth Corridor
City councilMitchell Shire Council
Developer Tillage
Project marketer Barry Plant Wallan (Mitchell Shire)
Creative agency Ivy Street
Distance to Melbourne Airport - 42 km north Melbourne CBD - 57 km north

Location & Map for Springleigh Estate - Kilmore


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Land Price Trend in Kilmore VIC 3764

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Kilmore VIC 3764 was $315,000. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Kilmore VIC 3764 has increased 110%. *
  • From 2008 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Kilmore VIC 3764 has increased 233.89%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Kilmore VIC 3764

View full vacancy rate history in Kilmore VIC 3764 via SQM Research(link is external).

Schools near Springleigh Estate - Kilmore

Here are 6 schools near Springleigh Estate - Kilmore:

Lot 14: Amelia 21 by Thorsen
Springleigh Estate - Kilmore