Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield

Total new homes800
Area size114.84 hectares
Growth RegionMelbourne West Growth Corridor
City councilMelton City Council
Developer N/A
Project marketer Williams Sharp
Distance to Melbourne Airport - 27 km west Melbourne CBD - 39 km west

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Land Price Trend in Brookfield VIC 3338

  • In Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Brookfield VIC 3338 was $373,300. *
  • From Oct - Dec 17 to Apr - Jun 24, the median price for vacant land in Brookfield VIC 3338 has increased 108.55%. *
  • From 2008 to 2023, the median price for vacant land in Brookfield VIC 3338 has increased 220%. *
* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/24

Vacancy Rate in Brookfield VIC 3338

View full vacancy rate history in Brookfield VIC 3338 via SQM Research(link is external).

Schools near Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield

Here are 6 schools near Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield:

Planning Applications for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield

Planning ApplicationLand reportNumber of lotsPlan numberLand surveyorLodged dateIntended useSettlement tracking
249 Clarkes Road, Brookfield VIC 3338(link is external)0 PS916789T, PA2023/8471, SUB6642/td>There is a pole mounted substation in Clarkes Road that provides electricity to council's Community/Childcare Centre. The pole is to be removed due to road works and it has been agreed that a substation will be placed within the council land. The site of the new substation will be created as a Reserve that will vest in Powercor. However, the council land is a Reserve. As such, we need to remove the existing reserve status from that part of the Title where the substation will go and vest the new Reserve. Submitted for Lodgement
193 Brooklyn Road, Brookfield VIC 3338(link is external)0 PS916788V, PA2018/6057, SUB6579/td> Original Certification Date
Scenic Botanica - Stage 1A 193-295 Brooklyn Road, Brookfield VIC 3338(link is external)2 PS849537U, S21042, Sub6180Paroissien Grant and Associates Pty Ltd19/11/2021 Registered at Land Use Victoria
Scenic Botanica - Stage 1B 193 Brooklyn Road, Brookfield VIC 3338(link is external)112 PS836276U, S20028, PA2018/6057/2, Sub6098Paroissien Grant and Associates Pty Ltd09/09/2021 Submitted for Lodgement
Manooka Road, Brookfield 193-295 Brooklyn Road, Brookfield VIC 3338(link is external)28 PS819185U, 305187, PA2017/5762, Sub5077Spiire Australia Pty Ltd07/05/2018 Registered at Land Use Victoria

Reviews & Comments on Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield

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FAQs about Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield

How many homes does Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield consist of?
There will be 800 new homes in Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield.
What’s the total area size for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield?
Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield has 114.84 hectares total area size.
Which city council does Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield fall under?
Melton City Council is the local government area for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield.
Who is the project marketer for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield?
Williams Sharp is the project marketer for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield.
View all estates marketed by Williams Sharp
Which schools near Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield?
Below are the nearby schools for Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield:
  • Melton Christian College - 1.8km east
  • OneSchool Global Vic - 2.1km north
  • Al Iman College - 2.2km east
  • Staughton College - 2.4km east
  • St Anthony's School - 2.9km east
  • Coburn Primary School - 2.9km east
Scenic Botanica Estate - Brookfield