22 housing estates found in Hawkesbury City Council
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Council Profile for Hawkesbury City Council
Hawkesbury City Council has 22 estate developments across Oakville, Vineyard, North Richmond, Pitt Town, Glossodia and Kurmond.
Visit council website: https://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/
Total developments | 22 |
City council | Hawkesbury City Council |
Buying Purposes | Buy to live in (60%) |
Preferred Land Sizes | 300m² - 399m² (31%) |
Preferred Land Settlement Time | Titling in 6 - 12 months (24%) |
Preferred Building Types | Double storey home (47%) |
Preferred Amenities | Public transportation (32%) |
Preferred Floor-plans | 4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car (37%) |
Residency Status | Australian citizen (90%) |
Financial Status | Deposit ready (45%) |
Timeframe to Purchase | 1 - 3 months (33%) |
Building Budget | Not sure (32%) |
Postcode From | 2765 (Box Hill, Grantham Farm, Riverstone, Vineyard, Marsden Park, Oakville, Gables, Melonba) (37%) |
Nearby distances | 45 km north-west to Sydney CBD |
Note: Buyer preference data is from the past 12 months.