Bella Vista NSW 2153
2 estates | The Hills Shire Council
1.8km south-west
No townhouse currently available.
Total developments | 7 |
City council | The Hills Shire Council |
Buying Purposes | Buy to live in (57%) |
Preferred Land Sizes | 400m² - 499m² (37%) |
Preferred Building Types | Double storey home (65%) |
Preferred Amenities | Public transportation (52%) |
Preferred Floor-plans | 4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car (33%) |
Financial Status | Deposit ready (43%) |
Nearby distances | 26 km north-west to Sydney CBD 32 km north-west to Sydney Airport |
View full vacancy rate history in Norwest NSW 2153 via SQM Research.
2 estates | The Hills Shire Council
7 estates | Hornsby Shire Council, The Hills Shire Council
8 estates | The Hills Shire Council
1 estate | Blacktown City Council
1 estate | Blacktown City Council
3 estates | The Hills Shire Council