Top 5 Post-Construction Expenses Every Homeowner Should Budget For

By: | 22 May, 2024
Top 5 Post-Construction Expenses Every Homeowner Should Budget For

Ep. 33 | Top 5 expenses to budget for after your home is built


Colin Bischof and Darren Brennan, hosts of the Home Building Hub podcast, recently discussed the often overlooked expenses that homeowners need to budget for after their homes are built. In episode 33, they highlighted five key expenses that can catch homeowners off guard if not planned for in advance.

Fencing and Gates:
One of the first expenses homeowners encounter after construction is fencing, including gates and wing fences. While some builders may include fencing in their packages, homeowners often need to cover the cost themselves. Depending on the estate requirements, the type of fencing can vary from traditional timber to Colorbond or capped timber paling fencing. Homeowners should also be aware that they typically only pay for half of the fence shared with a neighbour, which can lead to additional costs if the neighbour doesn't contribute.

The next significant expense is landscaping, which encompasses everything from driveways and pathways to retaining walls and plants. While some builders may provide basic landscaping, homeowners often desire more extensive landscaping to suit their preferences. Costs for landscaping can vary widely depending on the scope of the project, ranging from a few thousand pounds for a DIY job to tens of thousands for professional landscaping.

Window coverings are often overlooked but essential expenses after construction. While some builders may include basic blinds, homeowners may need to upgrade or install blinds themselves. It's crucial to consider which rooms require blinds and whether privacy or frosted windows are necessary for certain areas like bathrooms.

Utility Connections:
Connecting utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and internet is another post-construction expense homeowners need to budget for. These connection fees can vary, so homeowners should shop around for the best rates. Additionally, considerations like fixed phone lines, wireless internet, and NBN connections should be taken into account.

Furniture and Appliances:
Finally, homeowners need to budget for furnishing their new home with furniture and appliances. This includes everything from couches and dining tables to refrigerators and washing machines. Planning ahead and prioritising essential items can help homeowners manage these expenses effectively.

By budgeting for these post-construction expenses in advance, homeowners can avoid financial surprises and ensure a smooth transition into their new homes. For more valuable insights on home building and maintenance, listeners can tune in to the Home Building Hub podcast.