Queensland Government Doubles First Home Owners Grant to $30,000

By: OpenLot.com.au | 23 Nov, 2023
Queensland Government Doubles First Home Buyers Grant to $30,000


In a significant move aimed at boosting the real estate market and providing greater support to first-time homebuyers, the Queensland government has decided to double the First Home Owners Grant to $30,000. This decision has sparked a range of reactions from various stakeholders, with some praising it as a welcome opportunity for aspiring homeowners, while others criticise it as potentially misleading and having adverse effects on the property market.


The First Home Owners Grant is a government initiative designed to assist individuals entering the property market for the first time. It provides financial support to eligible buyers to help them overcome the initial financial hurdles associated with purchasing a home. The grant is often viewed as a crucial incentive, influencing the decision-making process of first-time homebuyers.

The Queensland government's decision to raise the grant from $15,000 to $30,000 is a bold step intended to stimulate the real estate sector and address the challenges faced by many young Australians in achieving home ownership. However, this move has sparked a debate among experts, industry professionals, and the general public.

Positive Reactions

Proponents of the doubled First Home Buyers Grant argue that this increase will significantly benefit young Australians aspiring to own their first homes. The higher grant amount is expected to ease financial burdens associated with property purchases, making it more accessible for individuals and families with limited resources. This move is particularly praised for its potential to spur economic activity in the construction and real estate sectors, creating jobs and fostering growth.

The Queensland government's decision is also seen as a timely response to the rising property prices and the challenges faced by first-time homebuyers in entering the market. By providing a substantial grant, the government aims to level the playing field and give more people a chance to realise the dream of homeownership.

Negative Reactions and Criticisms

However, not everyone is in favour of the increased grant. Critics argue its potential to further inflate housing prices. By increasing demand without addressing supply constraints, they argue, the grant could exacerbate affordability issues, making homeownership even more out of reach for some. Additionally, critics point out that the grant is primarily beneficial to those with existing savings, potentially excluding lower-income individuals who may not have the financial means to qualify for a mortgage.

Industry experts have raised concerns about the potential for misleading information, citing that the announcement may give rise to false expectations among buyers. The sudden surge in demand, without an adequate increase in housing supply, could exacerbate affordability issues and lead to a speculative bubble in the real estate market.

Some stakeholders in the real estate industry express reservations about the long-term impact of such a substantial increase in the grant, emphasising the need for a more comprehensive approach to address housing affordability issues.

Grant Eligibility

  • Applicants must be over the age of 18 
  • You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • You or your spouse must not have previously received a first home owner grant in any state or territory of Australia
  • You must be buying or building a new home valued less than $750,000 (including land and any contract variations). The home: must not have been lived in or sold as a place of residence at the time of completion. Could be a house, unit, duplex or townhouse; or a detached dwelling built on a relative’s land (e.g. granny flat, tiny home)

Government Response and Future Implications

The Queensland government defends its decision, emphasising that the increased grant is part of a broader strategy to support first-time homebuyers and stimulate economic growth. The government contends that measures are in place to monitor and respond to any adverse effects on the property market.

As the doubled First Home Buyers Grant comes into effect, the real-world implications will become clearer. Observers will be closely watching key indicators such as property prices, housing supply, and market dynamics to assess the effectiveness of this bold initiative.

Effectiveness Remain to be Seen

The effectiveness of the FHOG increase remains to be seen. While it may provide temporary relief for some first-time buyers, it could also contribute to longer-term affordability challenges. The Queensland government will need to carefully monitor the impact of the grant and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that it achieves its intended goals of promoting homeownership and economic growth without exacerbating existing housing market issues.

Queensland New Developments To Consider For The First Home Buyers Grant

Sanctuary at Mt Rascal - Mount Rascal

Kensington Drive Estate in Gympie - Southside

Lilyvale Estate - Meringandan West

Wirraglen Estate - Highfields