Case Study - 📞 "Fast Follow-up for 1 in 10 Conversion Rate" - Cameron Pino Case Study (Part 2)

By: | 04 Sep, 2022

📞 "Fast Follow-up for 1 in 10 Conversion Rate" - Cameron Pino Case Study (Part 2)

Cameron Pino from The Avenue Property Co discussed his approach to lead generation and conversion. Cameron emphasised the importance of immediate phone contact with potential clients who inquired about property listings. He acknowledged that in the competitive real estate market, potential buyers often explored multiple options simultaneously. Therefore, his swift response ensured that he didn't get lost in the shuffle. Cameron's goal was to avoid letting any lead go unanswered beyond the next morning, which set him apart from competitors.

Cameron believed that his rapid response to leads helped build trust with clients. Many of them appreciated his proactive approach, as they often hadn't received communication from other estate agents they'd inquired with. By swiftly addressing inquiries, Cameron ensured that clients remembered the property and estate they clicked on, which contributed to a smoother and more successful sales process.

Cameron also discussed his strategy for handling different types of leads. He prioritised reaching out to less interested or harder-to-reach leads by making multiple phone calls within 24 hours. If initial calls went unanswered, he followed up with emails and gave them 48 hours to respond. However, he noted that most of his leads resulted in conversations due to the speed of his initial contact.

Additionally, Cameron highlighted the phone verification process used on Open Lot, which helped verify the legitimacy of leads. He understood that calling quickly while potential clients were still actively engaged increased the chances of them picking up the phone, as opposed to waiting for a less convenient time. This proactive approach aligned with his commitment to providing excellent service to first-time homebuyers and ensuring a seamless experience for potential buyers in the competitive real estate market.