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Croydon VIC 3136

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0 House and Land Packages in Croydon VIC 3136

No house and land package currently available.

Suburb Profile for Croydon VIC 3136

Total developments8
City council Maroondah City Council
Preferred Land Sizes 500m² - 699m² (29%)
Preferred Building Types Single storey home (52%)
Preferred Amenities Freeway access (25%)
Preferred Floor-plans 3 bed | 2 bath | 1 car (33%)
Nearby distances

27 km east to Melbourne CBD

40 km east to Melbourne Airport

Note: Buyer preference data is from the past 12 months.

Land Price Trend in Croydon VIC 3136

Below shows the price trend from vacant land sales recorded in Croydon VIC 3136. *

* Price data comes from Valuer-General Victoria on 06/12/23

Vacancy Rate in Croydon VIC 3136

View full vacancy rate history in Croydon VIC 3136 via SQM Research.

Schools in Croydon VIC 3136

There are 9 schools registered in Croydon VIC 3136 on ACARA 2022

FAQs about Croydon VIC 3136

What's the average price for new land lot in Croydon?
  • In Oct - Dec 22, the median price for vacant land in Croydon VIC 3136 was $644,000.
View median price chart for Croydon VIC 3136
What's the recent price change for new land lot in Croydon?
  • From Jan - Mar 18 to Oct - Dec 22, the median price for vacant land in Croydon VIC 3136 has increased 40%.
  • From 2009 to 2022, the median price for vacant land in Croydon VIC 3136 has increased 121.72%. *
View median price chart for Croydon VIC 3136
Which council does Croydon VIC 3136 belong to?
Croydon VIC 3136 falls under Maroondah City Council .
Learn more about Maroondah City Council
What cities & amenities is Croydon VIC 3136 near to?
Croydon VIC 3136 is near the following:
  • 27 km east to Melbourne CBD
  • 40 km east to Melbourne Airport
What is the most desired land size in Croydon VIC 3136?
29% of new home buyers in Croydon VIC 3136 are looking for 500m² - 699m² land size.
View more on the Buyer Demand Index
What is the most desired floor-plans in Croydon VIC 3136?
33% of new home buyers in Croydon VIC 3136 are looking for 3 bed | 2 bath | 1 car floor-plans.
View more on the Buyer Demand Index
Which schools are in Croydon VIC 3136?
There are 9 schools registered in Croydon VIC 3136.
  • Yarra Road Primary School
  • Ainslie Parklands Primary School
  • Ruskin Park Primary School
  • Dorset Primary School
  • Croydon Community School
  • Melba Secondary College
  • Sacred Heart School
  • Luther College
  • Croydon Primary School
What suburbs are near Croydon VIC 3136?
There are 6 suburbs near Croydon VIC 3136.